Monday, February 2, 2015

It's all relative, right?

This is my first venture into blogging. Not really sure who, if anyone, will read this.

A little about me:
I'm divorced, a mother of one amazing 9, almost 10 y/o girl, and I'm a nurse. Most of what I feel like I have to share will revolve around those three things. I plan to use this forum to vent and share and maybe find others like me, or not. So here we go...........

I've been divorced for 3 years (separated for 5), at some point you'd think the relationship with the my ex would become easier, and I thought it had, until my daughter came home from her weekend visit tonight.

In the car she asks me if visiting her cousins, on her father's side, during Christmas was supposed to be kept a secret. I tell her no. Then she tells me because I didn't report it to her father he was upset when he heard about it and tells her she shouldn't be in the middle of it.

The reason we saw his cousins without him was because they didn't want to be in the middle of the divorce and for whatever reason feel like dealing with me is far less drama filled than dealing with him.

Am I wrong in thinking that being friends with his cousin is OK? He remained friends with my friends that were my friends before we ever met. He even attended annual parties with said friends, much to my dismay. So much dismay in fact that I chose not to attend when he did. I didn't complain to my daughter. I don't even think she realized how upset it made me. So WTH is he doing telling her how upset he is with me and then not even telling me to my face?!

OK, so clearly, this is one of my buttons. However, no matter how sensitive this button is, it's a whole lot better than the daily button smashing I was getting before I decided to ask for the divorce.

I guess it's all relative!

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